Audiobook Promos for Authors & Publishers

Plans Start at an Affordable $29.99 🎧 Advertise Your Audiobook to Fans

Includes a Free Custom Image to accompany the posts (or you can supply your own).

The Audiobook Promo Plan for Authors also includes all of the following:

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Your Audiobook Posted to Our Facebook Pages Book Fans & tweeted to our 25,000 Twitter followers

ContentMo tweets your audiobook to our Twitter followers 4 times a day over the life of the promo.

ContentMo also posts your audiobook exclusively to our organically cultivated Facebook Page followers 1 time each day over three Facebook Pages. All our followers are REAL people looking for books & audiobooks. See our Facebook accounts HERE.

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Your Audiobook Pinned to Our Highly Viewed Pinterest Account

ContentMo pins your audiobook to our highly viewed Pinterest account that gets more than 40,000+ views each month. We have a special, separate board just for Audiobooks! Your audiobook is pinned every other day during your promo period.

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Your AUDIOBOOK Posted to 100,000 book group members in Facebook Book Groups Every 15 Days

ContentMo posts your audiobook to Facebook Groups where members are looking for the latest in books and audiobooks. You can see more info on Facebook Groups HERE.

  • Please note that this promo is for AUDIOBOOKS only and not print or ebooks.
  • When posting the links to your book on your order form, use the audiobook links (Audible and Amazon both have the audio link you can copy and paste).
  • We promote audiobooks from all sites, just be sure to give us the audiobook link only.
  • ContentMo's audiobook promo is an exclusive promo just for your audiobook.
  • Any questions, please use the CONTACT US form below.
  • This promo is subject to our Terms and Conditions and Erotica Book Policy.
  • Facebook Group posts to 100K readers every 10 days. Order 20 days & get 200K & so forth.

PayPal Users:

Audiobook Social Media Plans

Credit Card Users: Use the link below to make your payment and fill out the order form using your credit or debit card.